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medusa with the head of perseus

Made to order Medusa with the Head of Perseus astride a Griffin statuette Greek, fortitude sculpture greek mythology decor.


Medusa with the Head of Perseus statuette Greek, fortitude sculpture

Stands at 8.5 inches tall, 10.5 in length and 5.5 in depth and sits on a rectangular plinth that can be removed.


The Medusa with the Head of Perseus statuette is a powerful and evocative work of art. It depicts the Greek mythological figure Medusa, with the decapitated head of the hero Perseus in her hand. Medusa is commonly portrayed as a monstrous creature with snakes for hair, whose gaze could turn people to stone. The statue captures the moment of Medusa's triumph over Perseus, conveying a sense of power and danger. The statue has been interpreted in many ways, with some seeing it as a feminist statement of female empowerment, while others view it as a cautionary tale about the consequences of hubris and unchecked power.

Medusa with the Head of Perseus astride a Griffin statuette Greek by Unity Gifts

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